IconBuilder Tutorial Setup 1) Open the IconBuilder Tutorial.psd file with Photoshop. A double-click will do. 2) Zoom the image (something between 600% and 800% is good). 3) Create a new view (View -> New View). 4) Resize this window so you can read up to the line with the dots below. 5) Select the entire layer (Command-A). 6) Scroll to the next set of dots and you'll be ready to build your first icon. ••••• Using QuickBuild 1) The layer "Run QuickBuild on me" should be selected. 2) Start IconBuilder (Filter -> Iconfactory -> IconBuilder). 3) Position the IconBuilder window so that you can still read these instructions (or simply print them out). 4) Press QuickBuild and the watch the icon being created. If the icons aren't aligned properly, press Center View and run QuickBuild again. If for some reason Quickbuild doesn’t fill the grid, press the Clear button and try again. 5) You can delete the 16 color versions of the icon by selecting them in the grid and pressing the delete key. 6) Save your icon to your Mac’s desktop. Use the name "Aqua Folder". 7) You’ve generated your first icon. Next we’ll tweak the folder you just created. Press Done and return to Photoshop. 8) Scroll to the next set of dots. ••••• Setting the List Views We’re going to replace the automatically created list view (small 16x16 pixel) icons with a custom list view icon. 1) Once back in Photoshop, select the “8-bit (small) icon data” layer and deselect the “Run Quickbuild on me” layer. 2) Start IconBuilder (Filter -> Iconfactory -> IconBuilder). 3) Select any cell from the FIRST column in the icon grid by clicking on it. It doesn’t really matter what bit depth, but for this example, click and select the 8-bit cell. 4) Click the Center View button. 5) Hold the Shift key down and press QuickBuild. You’ll see the entire column get rebuilt with the new small icons. 6) Save your updated icon to your Mac’s desktop by saving over the previous version. 7) Scroll to the next set of dots. ••••• Experiment & Have Fun! There are all kinds of cool things you can do to create icons with Photoshop and IconBuilder. Here are a few fun things to try: 1) Adjust the opacity setting of any layer and use it as the mask for 32-bit icons. Using the icon you created above, select the “8-bit transparent mask” layer and adjust its opacity to 50%. Select Image--> Duplicate-->Select All. Run IconBuilder. Click on the 32-bit, large sized cell and click Add Mask. Watch the folder become transparent! 2) If you’re using Adobe Photoshop 5.0, try playing with Layer Effects to see how drop shadows become smooth, transparent masks in IconBuilder. An example of this would be to add a drop shadow layer effect to any icon and then Duplicate. Run IconBuilder and do a quickbuild to see how the drop shadow translates to an 8-bit mask. Send any cool tips or tricks you might have about IconBuilder to us at webmaster@iconfactory.com! •••••